The Spirituality of Writing

The Spirituality of Writing

That just may be the title of a new book I want to write! 🙂 As many of you know I’ve been growing and changing and am becoming more aware of what motivates me to write and a recent conversation made me start to ponder the connection between spirituality and...
Claiming Your Creativity

Claiming Your Creativity

In my ongoing quest to pursue what I love with joy unhindered by fear, I continue to read, listen to, and watch inspirational and wise people in our world. I happened to record Brene’ Brown on Opray’s Super Soul Sunday and watched it this past Sunday. Lots...

Keep Your Creativity Flowing

Yesterday I visited a tech class at a local school to talk about making stop-motion videos. Say what? That’s right. During Author Night for their book fair, I had shown my stop motion video for Build a Burrito and my friend, the library/media specialist, ask me...