Finish Line Crossed!

Okay, so it’s sad that I didn’t even have a happy new year blab here. I’m just so totally lame. BUT, I can report that I did, indeed, finish my book at the very end of October, got feedback from some folks, and spent two months revising (December was kind of a wash...

Still Writing the Book

Well, I haven’t written the last chapter, but I’ve written the big climax scene. I wrote it on the RMC-SCBWI summer retreat and it’s smokin’. Now I’m writing all the scenes that lead up to the climax. And I have a decent idea of the final scene of the book, so that’s...


I’m what’s called a Co-Regional Advisor for the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (RMC-SCBWI). We had our first Spring Workshop yesterday at a new venue and it was really wonderful. I loved being surrounded by so much...