Write Fast, Write Slow…Just Write!

Write Fast, Write Slow…Just Write!

Argh. For some reason my post didn’t publish yesterday as schedule! So here it is… One of the biggest challenges I now face is keeping up with the writing practice I developed during NaNoWriMo. Beyond whether I’m a fast writer or a slow writer is the...
Ride Your Creative Star

Ride Your Creative Star

2015 is going to be a good year. A blasting off year. A year of following our north stars, our “true north” as some put it. But what is our true north? For me it’s now more about being and less about doing, while infusing the doing with more being....

Post-prompt: Writing goals

Yesterday I asked some questions to help set some writing goals for you and myself. Because I’ve got a full day author visit and am also heading to Boulder this weekend to be on faculty for Big Sur in the Rockies, my writing time will be more limited this week....

Accountability: Get a Writing Buddy

One of the most helpful things I’ve done in the past to keep me on track is to have an “accountability buddy.” A friend and I agreed to get in touch with each other twice a week to keep us motivated and honest about our writing progress. Here are...

Snow Days and Finish Lines

This is the second snow day for the kids – it just keeps coming down! It’s beautiful and fun to be home and cozy. I feel very grateful that our power is on, we have food to eat, and family around. Yes, that Finish Line in the heading means I’ve reached it with my new...