Post-prompt: prompt about setting

Yesterday’s prompt was : Even in summer, the front yard… Here’s what I came up with: Even in summer, the front yard was barren, the grass brown and flat, the few bushes near the house producing only a few green leaves, not enough to signal there was any...

Post-prompt: Knowing Our Character Part 2

Yesterday we wrote a follow-up scene that was either the character being approached or confronted by someone after the meeting/assembly is over. We want to know what happens. Here’s my scene: Emma’s friends surrounded her in the hallway, as if she’d...

Post-prompt: Knowing Our Character Part 1

Yesterday we place a character in a scenario to see how s/he would behave. I thought about my main character, but decided that was too easy because I know her really well. I was curious to see what would happen with a different character, so I chose a secondary...