Post-prompt: Picture Prompt (shoe)

Yesterday’s prompt was the above picture. The title of it was “Abandoned Shoe,” but I thought it would be more interesting if it was left there on purpose. Here’s my take: It felt a little like leaving breadcrumbs, except there was only one and...

Post-prompt: Writing from a prompt

Yesterday’s prompt: If only she hadn’t… Here’s my take: If only she hadn’t said yes to Connor. She’d thought no one else would ask her to the dance, especially Jake, the one guy she’d been crushing on all year. But then he had...

Post-prompt: Writing from a prompt

Yesterday’s prompt: When he saw his father coming toward him, he… Here’s my take: When he saw his father coming toward him, he ran toward him, arms open, jacket flapping behind him like an awkward bird trying to take flight. He couldn’t believe...

Post-prompt: Picture book prompt

Yesterday’s prompt: Dotsy was a dog on a mission. A mission to… Here’s my take: Dotsy was a dog on a mission. A mission to find the perfect bone to put in the perfect hold she’d dug in the backyard. It had to be just the right size, just the...