So last week I was in an unmotivated place due to lots of changes and a general feeling of malaise, which doesn’t happen to me very often.

We got Rayanne all moved in at USD and were thrilled with the size of her room and the sheer beauty of that campus. Her roommate is a rock star and the girls on her floor are really great. It’s been awesome to talk to her the last few days–each day she feels a little more adjusted, though there is a lot to learn! Just knowing she’s happy and not too stressed lifts my spirits, though I still expect her to come out of her room and tell me something interesting.  🙂

When we got back, our middle daughter flew in and will be here until next Saturday when she starts her senior year at Northwestern. That has made the transition easier.

I needed to jump right into critiques for my Lighthouse class as well as critiques for the groups I’m in so I really haven’t taken a breath–and am wondering if perhaps I’m a wee bit afraid to do so. Slowing down means taking stock and though I want to do it and need to do it, there is a part of me that knows it may mean some bigger changes, even if I have no idea what they will be.

Funny, just writing that above made me feel better. I just realized that what I need is an infusion of the new for myself, not just new things from circumstances happening around me. I want new things that I’m helming, that I’ve chosen and implemented, whether that is a new approach to the same ol’ novel I’ve been working on or expanding my teaching more into the spiritual realm like I did with the Women’s Retreat I co-facilitated a few weeks ago.

But that will require me to take that breath–deliberately, slowly, and in full awareness–so I can truly listen to what my intuition tells me.

So, our girl is launched, but I am not…yet.

I did finish revising a picture book manuscript in time to submit to my group. I’d had to miss the last few meetings so it will be nice to get back into it. Little successes–celebrate them all!

I’ll keep you posted on what happens when our middle daughter is gone and we are “sort of” empty nesters. My mother-in-law lives with us and my brother is hanging his hat here for awhile. So, we’ll see how the space feels once our Northwestern girl takes off!

I cherish you and what you give me, whether you comment or not. I feel your presence.

Thank you for your lovely support!