My first published books.Welcome to Inspiration Wednesday! Since this is the first Wednesday of my new website, which launched last Thursday, September 6, I wanted to write about firsts – hence the #1 image to the left.

First Books

The image contains the covers for my first two books to go out into the world – Build a Burrito was the first book to be accepted for publication (2001, published in 2008 – yep, seven years later!) and Click Here, the first to be published, which was accepted after Burrito (in 2003), but published before it (in 2005). That’s the original cover for Click Here. The current one is green for the new paperback, which was redone when they did the paperback for Access Denied, the sequel to Click Here. The one with the green cover is the one you’ll see all over the website since books with the original cover are no longer being printed (though you can find them here and there if you try hard enough). If you were able to follow all that, get yourself a cherry Tootsie Pop!

The first acceptance was a thrill, the first published book made me cry (hope to have a video up of that first book signing soon – jjsut have to find it). When dreams come true, that can happen.

First Stop-Motion Video

Another first is my first attempt at stop-motion animation, which I’ve always loved, though I never imagined I would actually do it! Playing around with some online animation software for my “Cheese Rant” (which I’m still working on) got me thinking about where else I might be able to use animation. I can’t recall what made me think of stop-motion, but it was a perfect fit for Build a Burrito. I had so much fun with it and it was a great way to stretch my creative muscles and move outside my comfort zone. If you haven’t already, check it out on the Videos + page. I will be working on more videos and releasing them as I finish them.

May this fall have some wonderful “firsts” for you!

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