So some of you may know that my husband and I have been planning a trip to the Caribbean for some time. We’ve been before, but our dream has been to go for at least a month–and here we are! 

This means my posts may be a little sporadic for the next four weeks. Some days I’ll have wifi and others I won’t because I’ll be on a catamaran in the middle of the Caribbean–woop!

My post this week is inspired by the Regis University Mile High MFA in Creative Writing. We just finished the Spring residency and the creativity and dedication of my workshop students was unsurpassed. Couple that with the craft sessions taught by an incredibly talented faculty and I am, like the last two residencies, over the moon! (January 2016)

I was inspired to start a poem. Or maybe it will turn into an essay. No idea. I just know that I observed and was fascinated so I’m writing about it. This is the format that came out.

Women Still…Life

Plane, not plain

On the plane, she touches up her make up,
turning her face,
pursing her lips,
this way, that way

Tools: iPhone 6 Plus or better, bright light, anticipation


On the beach,
Italian woman
blond with dark streaks,
Two kids, not that that matters…or maybe it does
Pluck, pluck
No wincing, no pain
Just something she does whenever,

Tools:  Compact mirror, tweezers, habit

I will add to this if I see other women who fit the theme. I’ve never considered writing serious poetry or exploring essay (which we touched on as well) as a form for myself. Suddenly, I’m giddy with possibilities. Dare I step outside the comfortable realm of children’s/YA?

We shall see.

Until then, I will report on what it’s like to write in paradise.