You may not realize that in addition to NaNoWriMo, today also begins another important event:
NaNoWriPro (National Novel Writing Procrastination)
This event is for those of us who did not sign up for that scary, deadline-inducing, commitment-making November writing event and would rather spend the month talking about our latest project and how excited we are about it, but not do any actual writing.
Ready to procrastinate and not write a novel?
You’ve come to the right place.
At NaNoWriPro, you can:
- NOT write a novel in a month!
- Track your procrastination progress by noting how much you snack, answer email, do chores, read, or watch TV.
- Get encouragement from fellow procrastinators to keep procrastinating.
- Meet fellow procrastinators online or in person.
- Make fun of NaNoWriMo participants who are actually meeting word count goals as they head towards a 50,000+ novel by the end of the month. Ha! Suckahs.
How NaNoWriPro Works
- Don’t sign up.
- Don’t track anything unless you want to (like how many pieces of chocolate you ate, or how many hours you wasted online)
- Talk about writing, but don’t ever write.
- Do anything except write.
It’s fun! It’s easy! It tastes like chicken!
brought to you by your email account, the Internet, French fries, and the completely alluring and irresistible treat known as dark chocolate.
P.S. Good luck to all those participating in NaNoWriMo. Woohoo!