For Writers

Resources and tools to support writers of all ages on their journey

Free Tools

Downloadable Tools
to help you.

Believe Scholarship

Free Conference


Links to a variety
of online resources.


Newsletter with tips
and information!

Writer FAQ

FAQs all of us
writers ask.


Writerly musings about
the writing process.

Learn with Denise

I offer classes and workshops (Denver, CO) for writers of all levels as well as manuscript critiques and consultations.

Manuscript Submission Video Series

Wondering if you’re ready to take those next steps toward publication? Enroll in my free video training series to find out!

Critiques & Consults

I offer both picture book and novel manuscript critiques, as well as in-person and phone consults around writing, craft, and your career.

Picture Book Quick Tips on YouTube

Check out my quick tips (usually under two minutes per video) for writing and publishing picture books.