Information Overwhelm

I have a very distinct memory of the first RMC-SCBWI conference I attended over 25 years ago. I was scared, nervous and convinced everyone was published except me—not only that, but everyone knew I wasn’t published, like there was some flashing neon “UNPUBLISHED LOSER” sign hovering above my head.  🙂

To my relief and delight, I met many pre-published writers there and at other conferences, even forming a critique group with some of them (one of them was published—the rest of us were not at them time and now we all are),  a group that remains to this day.

But one thing that was challenging was all of the information I needed to learn about the children’s publishing industry. It seemed overwhelming. Could I actually learn and understand it all enough to be able to submit in a professional and confident manner?

The Answer Was Yes!

But it was after a lot of conversations, internet searches, and conferences and workshops. The information was all over the place and I learned it in bits and pieces. But I did learn it and am so glad I did.

My Silver Platter for Writers

Fast forward a couple of decades and now I’m on the other side with knowledge and experience I love sharing with writers new to the children’s publishing world. Along with my Believe Scholarship, this is another way to give back to the community that has given me support, encouragement, inspiration, solid information, and lasting friendships.

In past posts I’ve talked about the Find a Publisher for Your Children’s Book course I’m developing – SO excited! That will be ready in less than two weeks. In the meantime, I’ve developed a free, three-part video training series that may be all you need to get started targeting some publishers and/or agents and begin your submission process–you CAN submit your book with confidence. Woop!

If you happen to have signed up for my Top 10 Submission Tips, you’ll automatically start receiving the video series today – you might have already!

If you didn’t sign up for the Tips, you can click on the Find a Publisher link to sign up for the first video. If you’re already well-versed in the submissions process—awesome! Please pass the link along to someone who may need the info. We can all help empower writers to be confident submitters—which benefits all of us!